These links were posted throughout 2009 and also in print in Llewellyn’s 2009 Spell-a-Day Almanac, and I thought it a great idea to post them all at once on a blog post here, for easy reference.
Llewellyn published 5 Elven Spells, and these will be linked again when we upload them (since Llewellyn no longer hosts them on their website):
* (Isilnarvinyë)
* (Yestarë)
* (Nost-na-Lothion)
* (Isilyavannië)
* (Enderi)
All of these Elven Holidays are in the older Elvish language, called Quenya. Yestarë, Nost-na-Lothion and Enderi are explained more fully on the Elven Calendar post.
Isilnarvinyë and Isilyavannië are referring to the Full Moons that relate to that particular Elven Month. Isilnarvinyë, the Moon of New Fire, occurs in the Elven January. Isilyavannië, the Moon of Yavanna (the Giver of Fruits) is held in the Elven September. To find the Elven month of which a particular Full Moon is assigned, visit Encyclopedia of Arda’s Interactive Calendar, using the “Numenorean” months. You will also notice the Elven Season of the date chosen.
These links will be available for every year, so you can enjoy these short spells and get to know some of the Valar.
Thanks for visiting – ENJOY!
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