The Elven Calendrical Wheel
The Observances of Tië eldaliéva’s Elven Calendar, or “Loa“ in Elvish, are to the Elven Spiritual Path as the anchor points for the spokes on a bicycle wheel are to the hub, and rim; the loa makes the Path functional, and practical. The loa is the product of extensive Legendarium research that notes the Elven holidays (singularly, meryalë) both directly from Tolkien himself, along with deeply thoughtful improvisations that have been time-tested for at least 15 years. We strive to stay well within the bounds of integrity with Professor Tolkien’s material, and we hope this inspires all of you who are pulled to practice an Elven spiritual practice, no matter what that looks like, by pausing throughout the year, and remembering while we integrate Elven wisdom that is so well displayed in the stories. Laita – blessings to you all!
Solar Observances
From Tolkien himself ([mostly from the Appendices in “Return of the King.”] You may also wish to reference Dave’s article, The Quendian Calendar & Festivals, Updated, in a new window via PDF):
Turuhalmë (Elven “LogDrawing” and Northern Hemisphere Winter Solstice) December 21st – The male elder silver tree, Telperion (also known as the White Tree), Isil the Moon, and the Maia Tilion who steers Isil
Solvalwaris (Purification, begin Coirë, Season of Stirring): February 1st – Nienna
Mettarë / Yestarë (Last Day of the Loa, and the Elven New Year, which will begin Tuilë, Season of Spring): March 27th and March 28th – Vairë the Weaver
Nost-na-Lothion (Birth of Flowers, begin Lairë, Season of Summer) May 22nd – Vana the Ever-Young
Tarnin Austa (Gates of Summer, Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice) June 21st – The female younger golden tree Laurelin, Anar the Sun, and the Maia Arien who steers Anar
Yavië (begin Yavië, the Elven Autumn) August 2nd – Arda, our Earth
Enderi (Middle Days, which will begin Quellë, Season of Fading) September 25-27th (all 3 days) – Oromë
Improvised by Tië eldaliéva: (see Dave’s article, linked above, on this):
Cuiverë Quendiva (First day of Hrivë, Season of Winter/Origins of the Elves) November 21st – The Elves.
Lunar Observances
Tië eldaliéva also improvised the Full Moons (Isil) too, using the Legendarium as much as possible, and we have included in the [soon to be published] book. Eventually, Dark Moon (Morran) and Newly-Crescent (Cueran) observances were improvised and incorporated into what may be termed as our “Lunar Observances“. (To calculate the actual date of the Moon going dark, and the appearance of the first appearance of the newly-crescent Moon – use this website. Use 3% or less as the orb, as anything less is not visible to the naked eye in the sky).
During Isils, we do dedicated rituals. During Morrans, we explore the magical dynamics of the respective Valië, or Vala, (and sometimes even learning the practice of Elven High Magic, which entails deep character development, and refinement). During Cuerans, we work with the respective Valië, or Vala, to sow right intentions that may directly facilitate our spiritual growth relative to her, or his influence in our lives, in the lives of the Eldalië, and/or in Arda. (In advance of the book, [in which we deeply explore both solar, and lunar observances, and how you may apply them to your life], you may join us at our Facebook page to follow the Flow of the loa through these Times, and to learn more about how to incorporate them into your personal spiritual practice.)
You can find the specific dates of the various Elven Moons by using the Gregorian calendar date specified as the Full Moon (or the Dark Moon, or the Newly-Crescent Moon, which are approximately 1 1/2 days on either side of the New Moon), and referencing the new calendar, below, for each respective lunar observance.
For 15 years, the Elven Spiritual Path used the “Calendar of Numenor” reference point at the Encyclopedia of Arda Interactive Calendar. (Some of you have asked – here are the FAQ’s for calculations of this interactive calendar). Because of Dave’s research that is still aligned with the Legendarium, and the fact it was even easier, the new calculations of each month are hereinbelow updated, and easy to reference. We are publishing a video to the public for details that will be linked to his white paper. We approved the use of the new calendar as specified below in Spring of 2021.
NOTE: If any of these are a repeat of the prior month’s event (for instance, if there are two Cuerannarië’s in a row), the one for the preceding date stays the same (staying with this example, -narië), and the repeated one at a later date uses the “-maiaron” suffix/designation, which means “of the Maiar.” We also add in the types of fairies that are mentioned in the Lost Tales 1, accordingly.
December 31st to January 29th:
Narwain “New sun” (Q. Narvinyë)
Lunar Observances (LO): Cuerannarvinyë, Isilnarvinyë, Morrannarvinyë
Valar Focus (VF): Aulë the Smith
January 30th to March 1st:
Nínui “Watery” (Q. Nénimë)
LO: Cuerannénimë, Isilnénimë, Morrannénimë
VF: Ulmo
March 2nd to March 31st:
Gwaeron “Windy” (Q. Súlimë)
LO: Cueransúlimë, Isilsúlimë, Morransúlimë
VF: Manwë Sulimo
April 1st to April 30th:
Gwirith “Youthful” (Q. Víressë)
LO: Cueranvíressë, Isilvíressë, Morranvíressë
VF: Tulkas Astaldo
May 1st to May 31st:
Lothron “Flowering” (Q. Lótessë)
LO: Cueranlótessë, Isillótessë, Morranlótessë
VF: Nessa
June 1st to June 30th:
Nórui “Fiery, sunny” (Q. Nárië)
LO: Cuerannárië, Isilnárië, Morrannárië
VF: Varda Elentári
July 1st to July 31st:
Cerveth “First Harvest” (Q. Cermië)
LO: Cuerancermië, Isilcermië, Morrancermië
VF: Irmo/Lorien
August 1st to August 30th:
Úrui “hot” (Q. Úrimë)
LO: Cueranurimë, Isilurimë, Morranurimë
Focus: Ainur
August 31st to September 30th:
Ivanneth “Fruit-giving” (Q. Yavannië)
LO: Cueranyavannië, Isilyavannië, Morranyavannië
VF: Yavanna Kementari
October 1st to October 30th:
Narbeleth “Sun waning” (Q. Narquelië)
LO: Cuerannarquelië, Isilnarquelië, Morrannarquelië
VF: Námo/Mandos
October 31st to November 30th:
Hithui “Misty, foggy” (Q. Hísimë)
LO: Cueranhísimë, Isilhísimë, Morranhísimë
VF: Estë the Gentle
December 1st to December 30th:
Girithron “Shuddering” (Q. Ringarë) or Frosty Cold
LO: Cueranringarë, Isilringarë, Morranringarë
Focus: Mourning of the marring of Arda by the Dark One (known as Melkor/Morgoth but not spoken due to Elven etiquette) – (Nienna helps to wash this away, which contributes to Arda-Healed).
Elven Day (Ré)
“A ‘day’ of the sun they called ré and reckoned from sunset to sunset.” Appendix D, LOTR/ROTK
Elven Week (Enquié)
While most of us in Tië eldaliéva, the Elven Path use the 7th Day like the Numenoreans to make it easier to keep track for our respective practices (and added the respective planets as per the rules of astrology), here is further information.
“An Eldarin week employs six days rather than seven. The days all are named after important things to the culture of the people. There is no known division into “weekdays” and “weekends”; all days incorporate work and play both. Vacations or rest days are not scheduled but taken when needed, if such will not cause trouble to other people. Somehow, this loose system does not seem to fall apart into laziness as it often would with humans.”
We also incorporate this in Linde Elenlotë, the Song of the Starflower in the beginning of rituals.
Day 1 – Elenya “stars-day” *(Saturday, Saturn/Lumbar)
Day 2 – Anarya “sun-day” *(Sunday, Sun/Anar)
Day 3 – Isilya “moon-day” *(Monday, Moon/Isil)
Day 4 – Aldúya “trees-day” *(Tuesday, Mars/Carnil)
Day 5 – Menelya “Heavens-day” *(Wednesday, Mercury/Elemmirë)
Day 6 – Valanya “Powers-day” *(Friday, Venus/Ëarendil)
**”A seventh day, introduced by Men and picked up later in a few of the scattered Eldarin communities of Ennor, is Ëarenya, the ‘sea-day'”. *This is Thursday, aligned with Jupiter, or Alcarinquë. Planet Elven names from
This can also be accessed with the Encyclopedia of Arda Interactive Calendar. When using the usual Gregorian Calendar date, see the “Reckoning of Rivendell” reference point for this.
Quenya | Sindarin | English tr. | Length |
Tuilë | Ethuil | Spring | 54 days |
Lairë | Laer | Summer | 72 days |
Yávië | Iavas | Autumn | 54 days |
Quellë | Firith | Fading | 54 days |
Hrívë | Rhîw | Winter | 72 days |
Coirë | Echuir | Stirring | 54 days |
More Elven Calendar Resources
P.S. Dave/Aikanar/Eluyon, the author of said Calendar Article can also be found at
Now that you’re familiar with the Elven Calendar, and the Calendar-Valar alignments, getting to know the Valar is the most Natural next step upon the Elven Spiritual Path. We vibrationally apply Tengwar (Elven script) to link with the Valar. If you wish, you may learn the Tengwar-Valar Associations., and begin to experience your own Elven Journey.
Copyright by Tië eldaliéva 2021. All rights reserved.