There has been interesting recent developments in what can be termed as “pop culture spirituality.” Watkins Publishing in the UK introduces “Become the Force,” the brand new book release from popular YouTuber (and now Author) Daniel M. Jones, a millenial from Wales with an adult diagnosis of Aspberger’s Syndrome, a […]
Elven Spirituality
2 posts
The following is the Elven Calendar, or “Loa” with what could be termed as the Solar observations. From Tolkien: Turuhalmë (Elven “LogDrawing”) December 21st Solvalwaris (Purification, begin Stirring): February 2nd Yestarë (Elven New Year, begin Spring): March 28th Nost-na-Lothion (Day of Flowers, begin Summer) May 22nd Tarnin Austa (Gates of […]